Imperial Partners
Rare Breed(s): Romney
New Romney twins dropping in 2015 at Imperial Partners.
Imperial partners is owned by Josh Wiltshire and Sam Edwards who grew up with their agricultural roots in stud cattle, merinos and cropping. While showing their suffolk sheep, they fell with the heritage breed Romney that were being exhibited near them. So they started their own flock in 2011 to give support to and spark local interest in this beautiful breed.
Josh and Sam now actively promote this breed at regional shows in the Barossa, Fleurieu Peninsula and Adelaide. Their work has attracted media attention showcasing the team in the Royal and stock journals. Sam and Josh's focus has been breed true to Romney for the modern producer.By continuing to exhibit their fleeces at shows they also are able to ensure their flock compares favourably with others in the breed (i.e. micron, fleece weight and yield). Their aim is to breed a Romney with a fine to medium micron fleece showing good character and a semi lustrous sheen, without compromising the carcass attributes of this breed.
Their sheep are classed from an early age and any that don't make the grade are offered privately as processed carcasses. Recently they have emphasised the carcass merits of this breed through ultrasound scanning, weighing sheep and recording data using Lambplan.
Josh and Sam are registered stud breeders with the ASSBA as Romney flock number 1563, brucellosis accredited, gudair vaccinated and members of Lambplan.
Josh and Sam are internet and social media savvy. They would be happy to hear from you over the ether or call ahead to make an appointment to see their operation.
Fleece (unwashed)
Rams or Ewes
Contact info
Joshua Wiltshire and Sam Edwards
Phone: +61 410 678 458
Facebook: Imperial Partners
Postal Address:
Imperial Partners
Box 210
Hahndorf SA 5245