Basic Layout for Breed Specific

A special blurb about the sheep overall in italics

About the Breed


History of this sheep, particularly in Australia

include origin, genetics, when it arrived, size of flocks? 


Fleece and Fibre







Where can I buy fibre or products to support this breed?

Not quite sure how to format this or how to source this.  This can be raw fleece, fibre, or finished product.  Do not want to be source but connector instead.

Would subsections on different shepherds and what they offer. Photos of fibre.  Content,  prices if they are on their own website and if they want to share.  Need to ensure not hard to maintain. 

Other Links

Gallery from this website....divide by sheep, fibre, finished product or just one big clump (probably to start with) 

example:   English Leicester Gallery of Sheep and Fibre

Australian Association/Society Links

example:  English Leicester Association of Australia Inc. 

Individual Farm/Shepherd Links

Store/Vendor links

Overseas Information (Associations, Societies, etc - not vendors because this is supporting Australian producers)