Name of Property/Business
Provide the name of the property, business, or how you are known to your association.
Provide the name of the person that should be contacted by us (and buyers if you offer fibre from your flock)
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please provide the address of your flock. If you don't want to include the address, just provide the nearest city/town and state so that we can put you on a map with your breed. Fibre artists like to know from where their fibre comes.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Special things about our sheep that people should know
Compiled below are some special things that breeders have noted about the way they manage their flock. Tick all that apply. And as always, make any comments in the email message at the top that make sense.
Specialise in coloured sheep
Have coloured fleece available
Organic management of flock
Sustainable/permaculture appoach to farming
Coated/covered fleece
Very low veggie matter in our pastures/fleece
Products available
Not everyone sells products directly to the public, but if you do, please tick all that apply below. If you have ticked "other" please mention what that is in your message.
Fleece (unwashed)
Fleece (clean)
Tanned Hides
Rams or Ewes
Other (please specify in the email message section)
Thoughts about your business and flock
Please select all that apply.
We already sell our wool products directly to fibre enthusiasts
We don't now, but would like to sell our wool products to fibre enthusiasts
We use the internet and other technologies (e.g. email, Facebook) regularly
We have a website where we market our wool products
We have a Facebook page where we market our wool products
We like getting emails from people who are interested in our wool products
We would like to get phone calls for questions about buying our wool products
We like people to visit our flock/farm if they make arrangements in advance
Facebook Page Used for Flock/Business
Please insert the name of a Facebook page you use to update people about the status of your flock or your wool product offerings (if you have one, of course)
Email Message
Please let me know a bit about you, your business, etc. Also include any commentary/corrections where our form just didn't allow you to answer the way you wanted to answer.
You can post my information on this website
The information you provide here will help us write up an article on your flock. In particular, it will help fibre artists understand a bit about your flock and fleece offerings so that they can contact you.